November 3, 2011

Science cookies

I recently had a really fun request for some science-themed cookies.  Those of you who know me know that my "real" job is a scientist, so I was excited to make these!

The cookies were a gift for a Notre Dame lab to celebrate a grant that they were recently awarded.  Read more for descriptions of what these cookies actually are!

The cookie at the top is a beta hemolysis plate - for a really cool time lapse video created by the Lee Lab, click here.  The cookie on the right is an electrophoresis gel, which is a very commonly used scientific assay - if you want to learn more or see real electrophoresis gels, check out wikipedia.  And then of course I included a few lab coats and the famous Notre Dame logo!

Congratulations Lee Lab!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the ND lab on the grant award. I'm betting that they enjoyed these cookies as much as they did receiving the news of the award.
