April 24, 2012

Spring Fling 2012

Spring Fling 2012

This past weekend, I was able to attend the first ever Cookiers Spring Fling in Louisville, Kentucky!  Spring Fling was a "cookie convention" that brought together lots of women from all over the US and Canada to talk about decorating cookies, types of icing, new techniques and tools, where to find inspiration, how to arrange and photograph cookies....pretty much anything that you can think of related to cookies (including how to stay sane when it's 3am and you're trying to get an order out the door!).

May and Kay from Cookie Two Shoes

May and Kay from Cookie Two Shoes worked so hard to get everything ready for us.  After preparing something like 60 DOZEN cookies and over 290 pounds of icing, coordinating with sponsors, printing brochures, and coordinating travel plans for 64 cookiers, I can't believe they could still stand up by the time we got there!  But they were the most energetic and fun MC's that an event like this could possibly have.  Talk about southern hospitality!

They also arranged for some of the BEST instructors to come and share their cookie wisdom with us.  Here are all of our fearless leaders: (from left to right) Karen from Karen's Cookies, Ali from Ali Bee's Bake Shop, Maryann the Cookie Artisan, Glory from Glorious Treats, Pam from Cookie Crazie, and Callye from The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle.

If you aren't familiar with these ladies work, you need to go check out their sites.  Seriously.  Do it now.  And then go order your cookie supplies from KarensCookies.net!

It was so exciting to meet them in person after watching their cookies on Flickr for years and reading their blogs every day.  Someone compared it to learning about football from Peyton Manning, and I think that was a pretty accurate analogy!

Here's Cookie Crazie Pam in action, talking about her glaze icing:

I can't even begin to describe how much fun I had with all of the other ladies at cookie camp.  When you get that many women together who love cookies, it's hard to get us to shut up.  Just ask "Red Rover" Kay.  We couldn't contain our excitement!

We all brought cookies for the Kentucky theme and voted for our favorites.  Mine were the Woodford Reserve bottle and Kentucky Derby horse.

Spring Fling cookies

The winning cookies were the ones next to mine with the adorable blackberry plaque and jar by Jackie from The Cookie Corner.  She is so talented, and she even brought her own burlap prop!  And how cool is that KFC cookie in the back by Alyson from Corner House Cookies?!

Maryann is amazing at creating cookie platters, and she graciously agreed to arrange all of our cookies for us.  Look at all of this talent!

Spring Fling Kentucky cookies

Spring Fling Kentucky cookies

Spring Fling Kentucky cookies

Spring Fling Kentucky cookies

And it wasn't all about the cookies either.  We got to take a tour of Churchill Downs where they're busy preparing for the Kentucky Derby!  We learned about all of the superstitious idiosyncrasies of the jockeys (a hot tub from the 1950s?!) and got to check out Millionaire's row.

Maryann and Glory out of the gates!
I'm so happy to have met so many wonderful cookie friends this weekend!  It's nice to know that you're not the only one who's crazy about cookies :)

I'm so sad about the shadows in this picture. Sorry but it's the only one I had!

I didn't know my roommate Cynthia before the event but I couldn't have asked for a better one!  We had a blast together, hitching rides all weekend and meeting new people.  She raises sheep in Nevada and her cookie name is Cookies for "Ewe" - love it!  And check out the beautiful location we were in for cookie camp!

Keep in touch ladies and don't forget to share those pictures!

For anyone who is interested in attending another event, May and Kay have said that they are actually crazy enough to host another one!  Keep an eye on CookieTwoShoes.com for more information about a Fall Fling!


  1. Loved the post! I am so glad that you took pictures and narrated the event so I can send my family and friends to see what we did! I think we will be sharing our cookie adventures for a long time.

  2. Thanks for the wrap up! Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

    1. Hi Bea! It was definitely an unforgettable weekend :)

  3. What a beautiful place to have a Cookie Spring Fling! It certainly looks like a good time was had by all. Thanks for sharing it with us. Fantastic cookies too.

    1. Thanks Paula! It was beautiful. I definitely enjoyed my first time in Louisville :)

  4. I loved reading your post. And I loved meeting YOU and all the other sweet ladies. It was definitely a fun weekend and I'm so happy to have been a part of it. Being with cookie friends is PURE JOY. :)

    1. Thanks again Pam! Cookiers are definitely a fun group of people :)

  5. Great pictures! I am so jealous you went to Churchill Downs! And meeting all of these cookie people was so fun! I know I still have so many blogs and Facebook pages to find!

  6. This looks like fantastic experience!! Wish I had known, might have made the trip!
