June 30, 2011

Tooth Cookies!

How nice is the Mom who ordered these cookies!?  Two of her sons just had their braces removed, so she wanted to thank the orthodontist for "straightening out" her boys :)  

Each tooth got a different color rubber band and the "braces" were painted with silver luster dust to make them look metallic.  I remember having braces, and choosing your rubber band colors was always a big decision.  Of course, I was a child of the 90's, so I'm pretty sure I usually had some sort of horrible neon combination :)

The cookies were packaged up with matching ribbons and shipped off to the doctor's office.  Hopefully the orthodontist and her staff enjoyed them!


  1. I know that the orthodontists and her staff will love these cookies. What a cute idea to include the braces on the teeth. I love it :)

  2. so cute Jaclyn! I love seeing your work! Ian is putting in his request for Batman cookie. hahaha

  3. Thanks! Steph, we'll have to work on some Batman cookies for Ian's birthday this year!

  4. August 11th! he is having his party at Bounce U ( A bounce castle place)... you guys should come bounce with us!

  5. I love them! Good idea including those braces.


  6. LOVE these. Do you still make them? I'd love to order them for the orthodontist I work with for her baby shower!



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