January 14, 2013

It's a Boy!

I have a confession to make:  I've been holding out on you.  There's something I've been meaning to tell you and I swear I didn't mean to wait this long.  But here goes:

modern zoo baby boy cookies

My husband and I are expecting a baby boy on March 4 this year!  I can't believe it's only 7 weeks away.  How does time go so quickly?!

Happily, I've had a very easy pregnancy and have been feeling good.  But between moving, planning for the new baby, and building a new home, I haven't had much time leftover for baking cookies or updating this poor lonely blog!

I'm still hoping to have my Virginia business license by mid-2013 and will reopen for business at that time.  The number of orders I take will just depend on how cooperative baby S is!

As you can imagine, I've been a bit baby obsessed lately, particularly when it comes to decorating the nursery.  Since I can't actually decorate a room yet (we move in the first week of February), I've been stockpiling baby gear in our temporary apartment like nobody's business.  One of the first things my husband and I found was this cute animal print for the crib bedding.  Once we found that, the rest of the nursery kind of fell into place.  My mother-in-law is making the crib bedding for us which is AMAZING and I can't wait to see it.  I'll be sure to post a picture of the nursery when it's completed!

At our baby shower recently, my Mom surprised me with this beautiful quilt that she made using all of our fabrics.  It's so gorgeous, I just had to share a picture of it.  Gotta love having talented women in your life!

modern zoo print quilt

Of course, I couldn't resist turning some of the animals into cookies for my announcement :)

jungle animal baby boy cookies

Please continue to bear with me over the next several months as my husband and I get settled into our new home with our new baby.  I do have some cute cookies cookies coming up to share with you, so I promise I won't be completely absent :)


  1. Congratulations! What a blessing!!! Those cookies are adorable - what a great way to do the announcement! And so happy to hear you have had a great pregnancy thus far. We will be keeping you and your family in our thoughts during these last few months - March 4 will be here in the blink of an eye!

  2. Congratulations! How exciting for you and your husband. I love the cookies and the blanket that inspired them. Best wishes.

  3. WOW, the cookies you made to match the quilt are incredible! You matched the colors perfectly too. Baby "S" is going to be one lucky baby boy with you & Joe as parents.

  4. Cute cute, precise and neat! and CONGRATS!!!!!!! That is so exciting! We are expecting our first grandchild (a boy) in 5 weeks. Our 12 and 16 years olds are going to be uncles. Just did a Dr Seuss Shower and cake & cookies for our daughter. And it's fine to keep such great news under your hat until you are ready to wow us!!! we'll be here when you get back. But, you must post pix of baby boy!!!
