March 21, 2013


Oliver Henry Shaffer!


Oliver was born on February 26, weighing in at 7 lb, 7 oz and 20 inches long.  Our lives will definitely never be the same!

Remember that adorable quilt that my Mom made?!
Oliver has been doing great since we came home from the hospital.  He eats like a champ and really only cries when he's hungry (which is frequently).


My husband and I been having lots of fun getting to know Oliver over the past couple of weeks.  Our favorite baby accessories have been his swing, his vibrating chair, and the Moby wrap.  He loves to be on the move!  He's also a big fan of being swaddled, so we love the Aden and Anais swaddle blankets.


As expected, the sleep situation has been tough.  Some nights he sleeps great and gives us 2 1/2 to 3 hour stretches of sleep.  Recently, however, they've been more like 1 hour stretches.  I'm hoping it's just a 3 week growth spurt and he'll start sleeping again soon!


I can't believe he's 3 weeks old already!  Maybe it's the sleep deprivation, but time really does fly!

I'll be taking the next 2-3 months off from cookies to enjoy our little man, so please understand if I don't respond to emails or phone calls right away.  I do have a few cookie pictures in the archives that I never shared, so I'll be posting them over the next couple of months.  In the meantime, happy belated St. Paddy's Day!



  1. Congratulations! Your son is beautiful...just like his mommy:)

  2. Congratulations! He's precious! I loved those swaddling blankets too. My son just turned 4 and I still haven't parted with them. They're so soft. :) Good luck with the sleep. That was by far the worst part of it for me. And since my son was born really tiny (3.5 lbs), I had to wake him up for feedings every 3 hours until he was several months old. No fun. Anyway, congrats!

  3. Oliver is just darling! I am glad all is going well.
