May 25, 2012

Penn State Graduation

Penn State cookie

I can't believe it, but my "little" brother just graduated college from Penn State!  I'm proud of you Matt!  My family headed up to State College, PA a few weeks ago (Cinco de Mayo weekend) to celebrate Penn State style.

Mt Nittany

Of course, I made some cookies to bring to the graduation / Cinco de Mayo party that night.

Penn State cookie platter

And forced Matt to pose for pictures with the cookies in his cap and gown :)

Penn State Grad cookies

My cousin Kelly was a bit more enthusiastic for the photo shoot :)

Penn State Grad cookies 2

How cute is this little photographer?!  This is my cousin's daughter, Mackenzie, who was very focused on getting some great shots during our photo shoot! 

adorable little photographer adorable little photographer

I had a great time spending time with my family in State College.  We ate, we drank, we hit pinatas that were filled with mini liquor bottles, we sang about red solo cups...

my family

We even got to practice icing cupcakes with Mackenzie!

I digress, but she's just too cute not to share!  Anyway, back to the cookies...

Penn State Graduation Cookies

Congratulations to Matt and all the other 2012 grads!  I promise life isn't that bad after college.  Eventually you'll find a job, make some money, and be grateful that you never have to stay up late doing homework ever again (hopefully)!


  1. What great family pictures and what fabulous cookies. Congratulations to all the graduates.

  2. Did you use a kopy cake projector for the nitanny lion? If not how did you get it so perfect? Could you please email me?

  3. can I order PSU cookies for graduation
